Our Commitment
Next Global Services is dedicated to meeting industry needs by offering a wide range of services across various sectors. This policy reflects our commitment to ensuring, to the best of our ability, that there is no modern slavery in any part of our business operations. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships and to ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
As part of our contracting processes, we will include specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory, or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude.
We also expect our service providers, suppliers, and contractors to share our commitment to act lawfully and ethically and to work to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place within their organizations or supply chains.
Key Actions and Commitments
As part of our commitment, Next Global Services shall:
Ensure that we do not engage suppliers that breach Modern Slavery legislation by regularly reviewing supply agreements.
Hold our suppliers accountable for their commitment to eradicating modern slavery and will not knowingly engage suppliers that do not align with our position on enforcing basic human rights.
Ensure all supply contracts include a clause pertaining to modern slavery, requiring the supplier to:
o Provide commitments to eradicating modern slavery within its own supply chains.
o Warrant that it has not been convicted of a modern slavery offense.
o Have completed its own due diligence on its supply chain.
Conduct risk assessments to determine which areas of our supply chain are most at risk of modern slavery offenses and implement risk minimization strategies.
Review supplier contracts in conjunction with the relevant Acts and ensure terms in supplier contracts are consistent with and address the Acts' requirements.
Perform due diligence on the supply chains of our suppliers.
The display of this policy confirms Next Global Services' commitment to detecting, addressing, and preventing modern slavery in our operations and supply chains.